Gallery of WebDesign, Content Management and Social Media sites that I have worked on
(Click image for Popup and link to webpage)

Info Tech Her Website I created and designed logo for and Computer IT Services and Marketing Company.

I created the logo and designed 3 different websites on different servers GoDaddy, WIX, and WordPress. This is the GoDaddy website.

created the logo and designed 3 different websites on different servers GoDaddy, WIX, and WordPress. This is the WX website.

created the logo and designed 3 different websites on different servers GoDaddy, WIX, and WordPress. This is the WordPress website.

This is a website I designed and manage for Matt Flips-It 2019 to 2020

This is a website that I design and coded from coding templates and hand-coding a responsive website. Home page image on MarkArneson.com website

This is a website I am redesigning for one of my clients Special Marketing Strategies Ltd http://www.specialmarketingstrategiesltd.com

eCom Weebly site I redesigned, updated and do content management on. I also designed the logo!

This is a website I am currently designing for an eBay client of mine!

Musigraph Designs website and Logo design.

Clothing shop proofing website designed for client.

Babysitting website designed for client

Cynthia's Health Hut ecom shop

Direct Abrasives USA website (I do Content Webpage Management and work on their catalog and advertising pieces and Social Media)

Cynthia's Health Hut Website (This is a WordPress website I designed and maintain, blog and sell health products)

Hazelden Bookstore webpages (I have created content images and banners for the Hazelden Publishing department bookstore webpages)

QuickAbrasives10 website (I do Content Webpage Management and work on their catalog and advertising pieces and Social Media)